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Wellbeing and Good Health

It is our aim to support all of our families to have good wellbeing and good mental health.  We want our pupils to understand what good mental health is, to learn life-long tools to use to achieve it and to be able to identify when their mental health is not good so that they can use the strategies they have learned or know when to ask for help.  

Mental health is on a spectrum.  Some days we can have good mental health, whilst on others, when our resilience is low, our wellbeing may also be low.  Please speak to any member of school staff if you would like support with your own mental health or that of your child or a family member.  We will do everything we can to listen and help or to signpost where you can receive the  support that you need.

If you would like to know more about our mental health and wellbeing curriculum for each year group, please click here to view the curriculum plans.

Wellbeing and Mental Health Resources:

Health and Wellbeing Resources produced by 'Beyond Words' (pictures are used to explain the content)