Our Co-curriculum
We passionately believe that pupils should have the opportunity to experience a range of interesting and inspiring activities that enrich and enhance the school curriculum.
Over recent school years we:
- held a whole school Book Week based on the text 'Flotsam' by David Weisner;
- participated in Bikeability training;
- danced at the Stag Theatre in Sevenoaks;
- held a whole school Health Week with NHS professionals;
- held a whole school Environmental Art week;
- hosted weekly visits from pupils from a local secondary school who teach Latin to some pupils in Years 3 to 6 and Debating to all Year 5 and 6 pupils;
- held annual Eisteddfod Festivals during which every child in the school was invited to share a song, poem, dance, piece of music or artistic creation with us;
- held our Shoreham Business Brains event, when every House was given £25 and asked to set up a business. The children worked together across the school in parallel learning groups and created successful business that offered either goods or services and made a small profit. The pupils' business ideas this year were: Recycled Crafts, School Cafe, Beautiful Bookmarks and Easterfest;
- held a whole school Maths Week;
- achieved the Gold Sports Mark,five years in a row;
- hosted afternoon teas for elderly residents in the village and to raise money for our partner village in Tanzania;
- had whole school Christmas and Easter performances in the local church and our annual Summer Show which took place outdoors on our school field;
- offered instrument recitals by individual musicians and a ukulele group performance by Moore Class;
- participated in the Bore Place Family Challenge;
- rolled eggs down the hill by the cross;
- sang for the elderly residents of our local community at Christmas in Shoreham Village Hall and Sevenoaks Baptist Church;
- performed on stage at the Sevenoaks Arts Festival;
- visited local and national places of interest to support the curriculum eg London Zoo, Lullingstone Castle, Kent Life, Maidstone Museum, Drusilla's Park, the British Museum, the Peacock Theatre and Horton Kirby Science Park;
- participated in residential trips in East Sussex and Kent; and
- attended a range of enrichment events at Sevenoaks School eg concerts, Science workshops, singing events and sports events.
We are proud to offer an extensive range of clubs that take place every day before, during or after school which provide opportunities for the children to develop existing talents and interests or to embrace new hobbies and skills.
Since 2016, we have achieved the Gold Sports Mark for Schools and 100% of Key Stage 2 pupils represented the school in a competitive sporting activity.